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I love this website 🙂 srsly thanks for making it and updating it. Futa on male stuff has always been my cup of tea but theres definitely a nice variety of stuff here to say the least
Im glad you like it, i should do more video pages 🙂
Hi new here immediatly fell in love with your site but for the videos here we can’t scrub through them. We have to watch the whole video in one sitting and if we try to go forward or back it restarts the video. Really hard to get to the good stuff on 9 min videos. If you could fix this or know what the problem could be on my end that would be great. Thank you!
-alright i dont have that problem so i cant test it, id guess you’re on a apple device. I’ve updated the player try now, if it doesnt work yet there’s one more thing i can try.
Down here
What is the problem?
I just want to say…. this is probably the greatest website in the history of the internet. Well done!
Thank you, i should post more futa on male videos as they seems to be popular. When i remember to do it and have time :y
I can’t see anyone of them on my phone
Admin:What phone do you have? and what happens when you click a video?
iPhone and it won’t play
My iPad do the same
Alright i think the problem is with the Safari browser, Chrome should work if you can use it. Ill try to fix this, we’ll see if i can.
Moar please
Sure i’ll update the page
Oh boy, I love it
How about now, refresh.